Friday, April 11, 2008

Book giveaway

My blog's first birthday is coming up and I'm feeling generous. Or maybe I'm just stalling for time, as I'm off to Italy today and won't be able to post for about a week. Whatever the reason, there are two fabulous paperback books up for grabs: Nigel Slater's Real Fast Food and Lindsay Bareham's A Celebration of Soup.
Though I wouldn't dream of being without either of these books, I happen to find myself with extra copies and want to be sure they fall into the right hands. All you have to do is send a comment correctly identifying the edible (now there's a clue) flower shown in this picture, and you will have a chance to win both of these books. I'll send them anywhere in the world, so whether you're in Hong Kong or Honolulu, you can play. Friends are eligible too, since I will draw a name randomly from the correct answers.
I'll be back to tell you all about the Veneto (and Liguria, and my early spring meal at the Château de la Chèvre d'Or). Ciao!


  1. That's borage flower, Rosa :) My mum grows them in our garden, and I ate some at El Bulli last Sunday ;)

    They're known as 'cucumber grass' in Estonian, as the leaves taste slighly of cucumber.

    And yes - I'd love both of the books, as I've got neither of these (but love both authors :)

  2. An herb that offers a cool almost cucumber taste to a summer drink - the blue blossoms of borage

  3. Rosa–

    When checking your blog this morning, I was thrilled to find that you were feeling generous and playful enough to propose a game. I believe the delightfully blue edible flower pictured is Borage. Is this correct?

    Your blog brings great joy to my life. I wait with bated breath for each new post. Thanks for all of your efforts!

    Enjoy Italy!

  4. Happy blog birthday, Rosa! I enjoy your wonderful stories and recipes so much. Have a great time in Italy!

    p.s. Those are borage flowers!

  5. It is beautiful borage.

  6. It is beautiful borage.

  7. Ooh! Are you going to Cinque Terre?

    Is it borage?

  8. Off to the Veneto? Rather jealous...

    Happy first birthday! Look, I've got both books (and let's face it, postage to Australia is insanely expensive...), so I'll have a guess, but just for fun mind you.

    Borage? So pretty.

  9. i have the same plant growing in my front yard. it's borage and it's beautiful!

  10. Lovely, beautiful lightly cucumber scentededible blossomed Borage.
    Bees love it. I love it in Iced Tea or Pimm's and Soda.

  11. Ciao Rosa,

    The edible flower is borage, herb of gladness.

    We are off to Paris next week.

    Have a wonderful time in Italy/

    Catherine Montgomery
    50 Leonard Avenue
    Ottawa, Ontario
    Canada K1S 4T9

  12. Are they, Borago officinalis L... also known as Borage.

  13. Rosa, The flower is Borage (Borago officinalis). Hope you are well. We enjoyed our trip and your tips last December. David, Dallas, Texas

  14. Hi Rosa,
    I've been thinking of you lately. Can't really figure out why but I've had mental images of your gorgeous flat out and about in my head.

    Can't wait to see you again.

    Anyway, I don't know those flowers' english name, but they look like bourache to me.

    xx fanny

  15. Thanks everyone for taking the time to participate in my little game! I didn't know there were so many borage fans out there.

    I put all respondents' names (including the ones who e-mailed me) into a fishing net and had Sam pick one out with his eyes closed. The winner is... Carol Van Rooy! I'll be in touch by e-mail, Carol.

  16. That's funny, Rosa. Not only are both of those books in my top 10 most valued cookbook list but I'm giving a book away on my blog this week too! Great minds, huh? ;)

  17. Book giveaways all over the place! What fun, but I'm too late to guess. Really looking forward to hearing about your latest sojourn.

  18. Wendy, I would have loved to win your book, but those chick peas fooled me!

    Susan, your prize was great too, but I'm way behind on my posts these days so no weekend herb blogging for me this week!

  19. Looks like borage
